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Josh Levy

Avoiding Pitfalls on Facebook

Like most marketing strategies, Facebook has a number of potential pitfalls for unknowing or inexperienced users. With a little help, we can help you avoid these. So what are the pitfalls to look out for? 1. Failing to make updates There is nothing worse for a potential customer seeking out information than to get to a page that looks like it hasn’t been updated in days, weeks, or in some cases YEARS. I know from personal experience that as soon as I see the owner/business doesn’t make current updates I close the page and move on seeking help elsewhere. It...
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Why Outsource to a Vendor

Why Outsource to a Vendor?

Outsourcing work to other vendors has become standard practice for many organizations. Whether it’s because of time deficits, or the need for a specialist to complete a role, outsourcing has become critical to the success of many businesses. Speaking from personal experience, I am leveraged quite often to help clients with their design work. Jobs such as brochures, websites, printable one pagers, and even updates to existing client content aren’t out of the question. Don’t be under the impression that outsourcing is a last effort attempt to meet a looming deadline, or taking the easy way out. Think of it...
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Visual Content in your social media

Visual Content in Your Social Media

Are you using more visual content in your social media marketing efforts? Here are some reasons as to why you should be: On average, articles containing relevant images, or infographics, have 94% more total views than those without. (Source) Visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. (Source) Facebook posts with images, see 2.3 times more engagement than those without images. (Source) Based on a study by Buffer, tweets that included an image, received 150% more retweets than tweets without. (Source) Articles that contain an image once every 75-100 words,...
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Starting a business page on Facebook & Linkedin

Starting A Business Page on Facebook & LinkedIn

It’s finally happened, you’ve started your own business! You have a great website, business cards, and your trusty email. So, how do we get people to actually find you exist in the sea of online business? Being part of social media is becoming a necessity for businesses. Determining which social site is the right fit not only for YOU but for your customers and prospects is crucial. You will also need to develop a strategy for participation, along with goals you want to accomplish with your social media. Many people starting out will no doubt come across the two major...
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