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Connect with Customers During Covid-19

Everything has gone up in the air for all businesses right now, however small and medium sized businesses are really going through major challenges right now that they might not have been prepared to face.

With everyone turning to online for social interactions, this has created a massive increase of posts on all social media platforms. Businesses that were able to reach their entire community through a single Facebook post are now having those posts buried at a record rate.

So many questions are being asked by Businesses: What options are there? How can you communicate effectively? What do people need to know?

Just as many are being asked by customers: Who is open? How do I shop there without risking my health? How can I support local businesses?

I’m going to try to help provide some tips from a Marketing point-of-view to help you make that pivot (many are already ahead of the game and are doing these things now). Most people want to support local businesses when they can but right now it’s even more challenging with so much information to sift through to even find the local people.

Review what options your business can pivot too.

Some of things I have seen Businesses do

  • delivery of goods locally
  • curbside pick up/drop off
  • altered store hours
  • transitioned to online sales
  • creating online content

The challenge is that this information is flying by and is getting buried. Now, more than ever you need to get in contact with your customers and make it as easy as possible for them to find your information.

  1. On your Social Media – pin a post with critical information. To avoid a monster post, I would suggest creating a list and linking to your website or even a google doc to make sure you answer these and maybe more questions for your customers.
    1. When are you Open
    2. How should people contact you
    3. How people can do business with you or support your business during this challenging time.
    4. What you will be doing to keep your customer safe (what protocols/measures are you taking)
  2. If you’re providing a service based business, start creating online content. Make sure you don’t just close your door and hope everyone is going to think of you or contact you to see how they can be supportive. Own a Yoga studio? Do lessons online!
  3. Utilize Facebook Live, Instagram or Youtube and create video content answering these questions.  Talk about your products and how people can get them. Video will be one of the few things noticeable. Take a look at your facebook feed you will see people are mainly posting text and photos. Video will be a key way to get noticed.
  4. Although it might not seem like the best time, put up a special offer to grab some attention.
  5. Find directories that you can be listed on,  try to get those key answers in front of people. In my hometown they rolled out – if you’re not listed send them a message and ask to have your crafted pin post to be the block of information you’re featuring.

Now more than ever stay in contact with your customers. You need to make sure to make your information easy to find and that you are putting out your most critical information first. For every question you have about your customers, your customers are asking the same questions about everything around them. 

Make it easier for them to find and keep talking to your community.  Now is the time to flex creatively, pick up your phone and record some video so that you can cut through the noise.

If you feel stuck and want to chat about ideas of what you could do in the digital world i’m always happy to have a chat. Sometimes just collaborating and discussing ideas can lead to great solutions.

update: 3/24

Open for Business – Hyper targeted business directory you need to be on.

Local businesses have put their customers and communities first throughout the coronavirus crisis, voluntarily and proactively taking measures to keep people safe and healthy. Many have closed temporarily while others have remained opened. As a service to our vital businesses, large and small, and their customers, Huddle has created a directory for those that remain open for business.

Open for Business Directory

full directory  Huddle Open for business Directory

update: 3/26

Macro Communties to Micro Communities

Facebook is an excellent Macro community and people are attempting to help each other but the community posting on current social media are buried at a record rate. Now would be a good time to consider Nextdoor to connect in your Micro direct community with a built in help map.

Nextdoor is the neighbourhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services. We believe that by bringing neighbours together, we can cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighbourhood they can rely on. – Next Door

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