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GA4 how to track and report on internal users

Are you struggling to report on your internal user traffic in GA4? While filtering out internal traffic is a common practice, tracking it as an audience can provide valuable insights for your business. In this article, we will show you how to use GA4 to track internal users as an audience using custom definitions.

In this article, we are going to try to answer some questions

  • What if I don’t want to filter internal audiences/users out?
  • How do I see my internal users as a segment?
  • What if I want to report on internal audiences/users?
  • How do I see what internal audiences/users are doing on our website?

The first part is the same as if you want to filter out internal traffic but later I make a couple of adjustments to create an event and use the custom definition that we can use for an Audience or a Segment.

Data Stream

The first step is to configure your data stream settings. Go to your data streams and click on “Configure Tag Settings”. Then, hit “Show All”.

Data Stream Settings

Define Your Internal Traffic

Define the rules for your internal traffic by setting up IP address filters. This is similar to the process of filtering out internal users.
Define Your Internal TrafficDefine your rules
Setup your IP address filters
These steps are the same as when you want to filter out Internal users and you can use the debug view to identify the traffic_type Parameter
debug view to identify the traffic_type Parameter

Utilizing Traffic_Type for Custom Definition

To generate the custom definition for your internal audience, you can use the traffic_type parameter. This will allow you to track your internal traffic and analyze their behavior on your website.

Custom Definition – Dimension

Custom Definition - Dimension

Next, set up a custom definition dimension to match your custom event:

  • Set the scope to Event
  • Set the event parameter to traffic_type

Custom Dimension

Create Audience

Now that you have your custom event and definition set up, you can use this data to create an audience.

  • Go to “Audiences” and click on “Create Audience”
  • Create a custom audience and use your custom page_view event and target traffic_type to include internal users
  • Make sure to set the audience rule to “contains internal”
  • Name your audience “Internal Users” and hit “Save”

Create a custom audience

Audience Internal User

Note that your audience will only track data moving forward, and it may take some time before you see any users in your audience. Once your audience is set up, you can use it to filter your data in Explore reports or create segments.

In conclusion, tracking your internal users as an audience can provide valuable insights into their behavior on your website. By following these steps and using custom definitions, you can easily track and analyze your internal traffic in GA4.

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